About Us

Our Mission

GlobalETFstrategy.com is focused on market analysis and neural network tools’ development to help investors navigate financial markets.We pride ourselves in delivering unbiased information and analysis to our readers blending macro and industrial economics, market and sector valuation gauges as well as momentum and technical indicators. 

Market Analysis

We provide our readers with market insights periodically covering the asset mix (i.e. equities, bonds and cash) as well as sector/sub-sector analysis in North America. We focus on concise and easy to read market comments supported by one or more charts.

Neural Networks

We maintain a set of neural networks aimed at providing tactical risk-on and risk-off signals on different equity markets, sectors and sub-sectors, commodities and currencies. 

US Sector ETF Portfolio​

We maintain a set of neural networks aimed at providing tactical risk-on and risk-off signals on different equity markets, sectors and sub-sectors, commodities and currencies. 


We provide neural network model outputs for a basket of individual commodities/commodity baskets. While we understand that using ETFs not the most efficient and/or cost effective way to trade commodities, we provide neural network insights for gold, silver, base metals and agriculture. Our neural network signals are not aggregated into a portfolio but as individual tactical directional signals. 


We provide neural network model signals for a basket of currencies, namely the trade-weighted US$, Euro, Japanese Yen, British Pound, Australian dollar, Canadian dollar and Swiss Franc. We understand that ETFs may not be the most efficient way and/or cost effective way to trade currencies. That said, ETFs provide an easy access to investment ideas involving currencies. Just like for commodities, we do not maintain a simulated currency portfolio. out neural network outputs should be interpreted as tactical directional signals for each currency covered.